State of Art infrastructure with all modern facilities. Fully air-conditioned school which provides ambient atmosphere for overall development of a child.


While a school’s physical infrastructure holds an all-important role in providing a conducive environment in a student’s academic journey, another key facet is Digital Infrastructure. In the last few years, across India, digital classrooms have gained prominence. These technology-enabled classrooms foster opportunities for teaching and learning by integrating learning technology, such as computers, specialised software, audience response technology, assistive listening devices, networking, and audio/visual capabilities are said to have met great success. And the trend is poised to gain further strength in the times to come.

ICT Labs/Multimedia Centre

At GVIS, Greater Noida we have ICT laboratories/multimedia labs which play an enabling role in harnessing the use of technology for improving the learning outcomes for students..

Interactive Whiteboard

With the use of interactive whiteboards, our teachers project any subject on the touch-sensitive whiteboard surface with the help of a projector and a computer, they can conduct lessons using their finger or with a pen or stylus. Thus, whiteboards have replaced the whole idea of a traditional blackboard nowadays.

Interactive Projector

The interactive projector, which is a portable solution, helps to convert any surface (existing projector screens, whiteboards, or wall surface) into an interactive surface. Along with it, an interactive pen which can be used to draw, point or click just by touching the screen directly is now becoming popular in many schools across the country.


Our classroom environments are a key part of every student’s school life. Helping to shape our young minds to think outside the box and grow, all while producing a conducive atmosphere enabling the teacher to provide relevant content, clear learning goals and feedback opportunities which would help them to build social skills and strategies.
By helping to create this positive environment, the teachers of GVIS help each of their students to feel comfortable to express themselves and view their opinions. As they say there are no wrong answers, only wrong questions. Even the workstations in each classroom plays an important role in helping our young people to feel more welcome while giving them the flexibility to move the classroom furniture around.
From the start of the day when each of our students enter into their respective classrooms going through every transaction using our specialized process of student led enquiry based teaching learning process, they are exposed to the curriculum in a manner which makes each subject a discovery and exploration in itself.


The school has un-interrupted power supply be it with UPSs or Generators. It has a generator back up for taking care of all-important aspects of the school making sure that our students may feel comfortable in class, while no programmes or events are ever disturbed.


The safety of our children is of prime importance for the school. The entry and exit has a controlled access and only authorized persons can gain entry for any specific purposes. The security personnel are deployed day and night and the complete area of the school is looked after. Besides this to augment our security systems, all critical areas are covered by the CCTVs which are monitored regularly thereby ensuring that the security of children and infrastructure is covered round the clock. The CCTVs can be monitored on cloud from any location, thus taking care that the campus is constantly under supervision.
